Advertising in Dayton, OH

In 2010, the population in Dayton was 141,527, making it the sixth largest city in the state of Ohio. The Dayton metropolitan area had 841,502 residents, making it the fourth largest metropolitan area in Ohio.  Dayton is noteworthy for...

Advertising in Tucson, AZ

The 2010 U.S. Census population for Tucson, AZ was 520,116, but the 2011 population for the entire Tucson metropolitan area was 989,569. Tucson is the second-largest populated city in Arizona behind Phoenix. The name Tucson means “at the...
Meet the Staff: Marty Blanton

Meet the Staff: Marty Blanton

When did you start working at Matrix Media? seems like only yesterday (wink, wink)  about 17 years ago.  Matrix use to be a client of mine 🙂 What was the hardest out-of-home media concept for you to grasp when you began working in the industry?...