Advertising in Augusta, GA

Advertising in Augusta, GA

Augusta Demographics Population*: 149,195 (18+) ▹ African-American: 54.7% ▹ White American: 39.1% ▹ Hispanic or Latino: 4.1% ▹ From two or more races: 2.6% ▹ Asian American: 1.7% ▹ Native American: 0.3% Median household income: $38,877 About...
Advertising in Austin, TX

Advertising in Austin, TX

The capital of Texas is Austin, which is the thirteenth most populous city in the United States. In 2011, Austin’s population was estimated at 820,611. Those who reside in Austin are known as “Austinites.” The city gained the nickname...

Advertising in Fresno, CA

Fresno is located in central California within San Joaquin Valley. Its population of 509,039 marks it as the fifth largest city in the state and the 34th largest in the nation. The Fresno metropolitan area has a population of 1,107,416.Fresno is...