Eco Friendly Production Options in Out-of-Home Advertising

You may have heard of Eco Posters, eco-flexx, or poster flex when purchasing traditional posters and bulletins for your out-of-home advertising campaigns. You probably assumed these names meant theses products are eco-friendly, but what exactly are they and how are they different from the paper or vinyl used in the past?


  • Eco Posters are constructed of woven Polyethylene.
  • Eco-posters are a new and eco-friendly alternative to traditional paper posters.
  • Eco-postes weight approximately 4-7 lbs whereas paper posters were made with 70 lbs wet strength paper.
  • Eco posters, unlike paper, are produced in single sheets which eliminates visible seems and flagging. (Posters were called 30-Sheet Posters because it took 30 individual sheets of poster paper to install creative.)
  • Eco-Posters last about the same amount of time. (1-2 months)
  • The installation process of an Eco-poster is glue-free.
  • Eco-Posters can be recycled at the end of your outdoor campaign.


  • Eco-Flexx is an innovative alternative to the traditional vinyl materials used on outdoor bulletins.
  • Like vinyl, Eco-Flexx is rotatable, though it does have a slightly shorter lifespan. (12 months for Eco-Flexx and 24 months for vinyl)
  • Eco-Flexx is a Polyethylene-based, chlorine-free recyclable material that is a lightweight and non-toxic alternative to vinyl.
  • The carbon footprint of an Eco-Flexx billboard is 60% less than a regular vinyl billboard
  • Eco-Flexx is endorsed by the leading outdoor billboard companies.

Want to make your next out-of-home advertising campaign an eco friendly one? Contact our production department for more information on how we can help!

Britanee Lancione, Production Assistant – a newlywed (of sorts) with an affinity for paper dolls, loud music and Panera.