Mall Advertising + Holidays = Advertisers Dream

The holidays not only increase spending in malls by consumers, it also increases spending by advertisers. So, in the spirit of Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and every other day of the week out there devoted to shopping, we thought we’d break down some of the most popular mall advertising options available.

Mall Kiosks & Wall Display Advertising

Placed in high traffic areas throughout shopping malls, mall kiosks and wall displays are a great way to reach consumers as they make their way from store to store. Kiosk displays are often the last opportunity to get the attention of shoppers immediately prior to a purchase. Wall displays are great high impact units that allow size and spacial customizations that kiosks often do not. Both are great for promotional campaigns, as well as creating brand awareness.

Mall Ads Kiosk

Shopping Mall Food Court Advertising

Mall food courts offer high traffic and increased dwell time, making them a great opportunity for advertisers to be seen by consumers. Food court advertising options include: wall displays, table top ads, table top tent ads, banner ads, as well as fixed and non-fixed signage.


Elevator, Escalator & Stair Advertising

A necessary route to get from one level of a shopping center to another is by way of stairs, escalators, or elevators. These advertising displays often provide the most impact due to their size alone. And, let’s face it, no matter what age- we’re still a little intrigued by escalators and elevators. When we’re not fascinated, we’re certainly thankful for their existence (just ask the lady with only two arms and 12 shopping bags).


Mall Door & Window Clings

Unless you have the skills of Houdini, we all enter malls the same way- one door at a time. Door clings are a great way to reach consumers before they’re bombarded with multiple advertising messages. These ads can be as simple or as extravagant as you’d like. Either way, the likelihood of your message reaching consumers is higher than that of your pulling a rabbit out of your hat.

Mall Banner & Exhibition Advertising

For a lasting presence in shopping centers, many advertisers turn to banners and exhibition ads. Due to the cost of production mall banner ads are typically purchased for longer terms. Banners are best for branding since their distance from consumers doesn’t allow for lengthy copy. What’s more show stopping than a banner with astounding consumer interactions? If you said mall exhibitions, you’re correct. These exhibitions also allow for brand ambassadors to cultivate one-on-one consumer experiences. When’s the last time you were able to walk passed a vehicle indoors and not look twice… we thought so.