Mobile Billboards Take On Many Forms

Smart Cars, segways, human billboards and scooters are the shinny ‘new’ toys of outdoor advertising. These innovative modes of transportation not only display creative, they also utilize drivers who can directly interact with consumers.  These mobile billboards have the ability to catch attention from the street as well as the sidewalk, and come in many shapes and sizes.

Segway advertising is a mobile outdoor advertising tool advertisers use to effectively reach pedestrian and automotive traffic.  These eye-catching, futuristic vehicles not only grab peoples’ attention, they can also reach places other types of mobile advertising cannot.  Outdoor events, college campuses, and outdoor venues are just a few of the places segways can make an impression on a target demographic. The entire mobile device, including the wheels, is branded with a company’s name or message. Some segways can even come equipped with a laptop for a truly interactive experience with consumers. With the use of laptops, companies can get pedestrians to visit their website, enter to win a sweepstakes or sign up to receive emails and catalogs. This interactive platform turns a mobile campaign into an experiential marketing tool.

Smart car advertising embraces the idea of a mobile billboard, but with more options and flexibility. Not only will the entire mini-car be fully wrapped in the creative, the cars also pull a three-sided trailer, equipped with backlit panels that display advertising creative.  Advertisers also have the option to park the petite car in high pedestrian traffic areas while the driver hands out promotional items. (Be careful, restrictions are enforced in certain markets and can leave you footing a hefty fine.)

Scooters have swiftly made their way into the mobile billboard family, but these are not your typical scooters. Like smart cars, these scooters come equipped with a trailer with two or three-sided backlit panels as well as drivers in branded uniforms. Some scooters can even run on less than 1 gallon of fuel, making them not only eco-friendly, but also less expensive to operate than other traditional mobile billboards.

Motorized modes of mobile advertising are not the only on the go option- enter walking billboards. These double-sided human billboards allow for maximum consumer interaction and visual stimulation.  This type of billboard advertising might be an option for companies who are looking for interaction with sidewalk traffic.  Walking billboards, or sandwich boards, as they can be referred to, allow for constant brand exposure while interaction with a brand ambassador is taking place.

Mobile advertising allows companies to have the freedom to choose the specific route, location, and event where they can reach the most people in their target demographic.  These modern additions to outdoor advertising not only capitalize on this advantage, they also bring a “wow” factor that is sure to leave a lasting impression on consumers.

Sara Gentry, Media Buyer, a fan of early ‘90s music & every John Hughes movie ever made.