Restroom Advertising, More Than Just Bathroom Stalls

It is common knowledge that outdoor billboards are successful. But, what about in-door billboards? If you look at the statistics surrounding restroom advertising, you’ll find immense success at engaging and retaining consumer interest.

According to a recent study, restroom advertising is proven to remain in the consumers mind longer than you may realize. There is nearly a 100% recall on restroom ads with an 84% long term recall rate. (Of those 84%, nearly 89% can recall three or more specific points within an ad.)

Need more incentive? A case study for a recent client who utilized a four-week campaign to advertise in both male and female freeway services restrooms led to a 563% increase in sales.

There are more than just freeway restrooms available for such positive ROI. Seventy-five percent of diners use the restaurant bathroom at some point during their meal. And, bar / pub patrons go to the restroom an average of 2.9 times during the night.

Interested in targeting one gender over the other? Women spend an average of 105 seconds in the restroom, while men log an average of 55 seconds. Most restroom visits span from 30 seconds to 4 minutes, which is a large window leading to multiple impressions.

One of the greatest assets of restroom advertising is the ability to craft your message to be appropriate to the venue you’re being placed in.  (For more help on creative, check out our Top 10 Creative Tips.) Advertising in bars or clubs will give you more leniency with your message and content than a family restaurant or community center would.

Restroom advertising is not limited to door panels or stall signs. You can place advertising on walls, mirrors, soap dispensers, paper towels, toilet paper, toilet seats,… the options are virtually endless.

Have specific questions on restroom media? Contact us.

Jennifer Hoffmannbeck, Media Buyer, a tone deaf neat freak with a fear of odd numbers.


  • salsafrica
    July 16, 2011 1:58 PM

    I guess it also works because they are hard to ignore, there simply is nothing else to do but stare at the advert

  • Danielle
    September 19, 2011 2:49 PM

    I am looking for so advertising within my restaurant bathrooms…. please feel free to contact me

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