Advertising in Syracuse, NY

Syracuse Demographics

City Population: 147,306 (18+)
▹ White American: 64.2%

▹ African-American: 25.3%
▹ Hispanic or Latino: 8.2%

▹ From two or more races: 3.6%

▹ Asian American: 3.3%

▹ Native American: 1.1%
Pacific Islander: 0.05%

Median household income: $33,026

About Syracuse

Syracuse is the home of Syracuse University, a major research institution, as well as several smaller colleges and professional schools. The city is considered the economic and educational hub of Central New York. Syracuse maintains over 170 parks, fields and recreation areas such as Burnet Park, Rosamond Gifford Zoo, Thornden Park, James Pass Arboretum and Onondaga and Kirk Parks.

Sports in Syracuse

Syracuse Chiefs – International League (IL)
Syracuse Crunch – American Hockey League (AHL)
Syracuse Silver Knights – Major Arena Soccer League (MASL)
Syracuse University Orange – National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
Le Moyne College Dolphins – National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)

Business and Education in Syracuse

Businesses of note: The city is home to number Fortune 500 companies. They are list names here. Companies of note headquartered in Syracuse include The Pyramid Companies, Raymour & Flanigan, SRC, Inc., Carrols Restaurant Group, Dairylea Cooperative, Inc., and Aux Records.

Advertising & PR agencies: (AD) Total Advertising, ABC Creative Group, Inc., Epoch Advertising Agency, Designworks Advertising, Stern Advertising, Inc., First Media Group. (PR) Koenig Advertising & Public Relations, Strategic Communications, LLC, Armstrong Communications, Pinckney Hugo Group.

Colleges: There are 3 public universities located within the city limits: SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, SUNY Upstate Medical University and Onondaga Community College. Private colleges in the city include Syracuse University, Le Moyne College, Bryant & Stratton College.

Events in Syracuse

Syracuse International Film Festival, Brew At The Zoo, Taste of Syracuse, Syracuse Jazz Festival, CNY JazzFest, New York State Blues Festival, Syracuse Area Music Awards, Syracuse International Arts & Puppet Festival, Syracuse Festival of Races.

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Syracuse Must See Destinations

Museum of Science and Technology, Everson Museum of Art, Rosamond Gifford Zoo, Central New York Regional Market, WonderWorks, Landmark Theatre, E.M. Mills Rose Garden, Cranx Indoor and Outdoor Bike & Sports Park.

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