Advertising in Tri-Cities, WA

Tri-Cities Demographics

City Population: 253,340 (18+)
▹ White American: 75.6%
Hispanic or Latino: 28.7%

▹ African-American: 1.4%
From two or more races: 3.4%

▹ Asian American: 2.4%

▹ Native American: 0.9%

Median household income: $57,508

About Tri-Cities

Tri-Cities is a mid-sized metro area in the southeastern region of Washington State, consisting of three neighboring cities: Richland, West Richland, Kennewick, and Pasco. Tri-Cities major industries include agriculture, tourism and winemaking. Due to the regions dry climate, hot summers and mild winters, Tri-Cities offers a wide variety of annual outdoor events and activities including but not limited to golfing, extreme sports, and water-sports.

Sports in Tri-Cities

Tri-Cities Fever – Indoor Football League (IFL)
Tri-City Dust Devils – Minor League Baseball (MiLB)
Tri-City Americans – Western Hockey League (WHL)

Business and Education in Tri-Cities

Businesses of note: Companies of note headquartered in Tri-Cities include SSC North America, Lampson International, Cadwell Laboratories, AG West International and Kadlec Health Systems.

Advertising & PR agencies: P.S. Media Inc., Stepframe, Dreammarketing LLC, CityIntros Advertising. (PR) Focal Point Marketing LLC, Free Rein Marketing.

Colleges: There are 2 public universities located within the city limits: Washington State University Tri-Cities, and Columbia Basin College. Private colleges in the city include Charter College.

Events in Tri-Cities

Cool Desert Nights Classic Car Show, Tri-Cities Follies, Allied Art Show, Benton & Franklin County Fair, Hogs and Dogs Motorcycle Rally, Radcon Sci-Fi & Fantasy Convention, Ye Merrie Greenwood Faire, Three Rivers Tattoo Convention, Tri-Cities Wine Festival.

Most large-scale events in the market are held at the Tri-Cities Three Rivers Convention Center.

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Tri-Cities Must See Destinations

Market at the Parkway, Pasco Flea Market, Sacagawea Heritage Trail, Brewery & Winery Tours, Hanford Reach Interpretive Center, Columbia Center Mall, The Richland Players Theater, The Bechtel National Planetarium.

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