Advertising in Shreveport, LA

Shreveport Demographics

City Population: 199,311 (18+)
▹ White American: 42.5%
▹ African-American: 50.4%
▹ Hispanic or Latino: 6.5%
▹ Asian American: 2%
▹ From two or more races: 1.5%
▹ Native American: 1%
Median household income: $42,346

About Shreveport

Founded in 1836 by the Shreve Town Company, Shreveport is the third largest city in the state of Louisiana. It is also the commercial and cultural center of the tristate area where Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas meet. Major industries include defense & aerospace, film and education.

Shreveport is home to the Barksdale Global Power Museum at Barksdale Air Force Base, a major employer within the area, The Gardens of the American Rose Center, Hirsch Memorial Coliseum, Riverwalk Park, and the R.W. Norton Art Gallery along with numerous other entertainment and live music venues and cultural institutions.

Sports in Shreveport

Shreveport-Bossier Mavericks – American Basketball Association (ABA)
Shreveport Rugby Football Club – Texas Geographical Union (TGU)
Shreveport Aftershock – Independent Women’s Football League (IWFL)
Twin City Knockers – Independent women’s roller derby team
Louisiana State University in Shreveport Pilots – (NAIA)
Southern University at Shreveport Jaguars – (NJCAA)

Business and Education in Shreveport

Businesses of note: APS Payroll and University Health.

Advertising & PR agencies: (AD) Advocate Advertising Group, BlueArx, Athletica Entertain Inc, Williams Creative Group (PR) Gremillion & Pou Marketing, BMK Marketing Solutions, May Marketing Group

Colleges: There are 3 public universities located within the city limits: Louisiana State University in Shreveport, Louisiana State University Health Services Center Shreveport and Southern University at Shreveport. Private colleges in the city include Centenary College of Louisiana.

Events in Shreveport

    Highland Jazz & Blues Festival
    Holiday in Dixie
    Independence Bowl
    Louisiana Film Prize
    Mardi Gras
    Mudbug Madness
    Red River Revel
    The State Fair of Louisiana

Want to target traffic at these events for an upcoming campaign? We can help! We have extensive outdoor advertising options that can be customized to meet your clients specific needs. Fill out this request form and our media team will help you plan your next campaign in Shreveport.

Shreveport’s Must See Destinations

Barksdale Global Power Museum
Chimp Haven
Cross Lake
The Gardens of the American Rose Center

Mall St. Vincent
Louisiana Boardwalk
Meadows Museum of Art
Multicultural Center of the South

R. W. Norton Art Gallery
Red River National Wildlife Refuge
Riverwalk Park
Shreveport Water Works Museum

Spirit of the Red River
River Boat Cruise

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